constitution and mission
St Ives (Cornwall) Arts Club Society CIO
St Ives Arts Club is Registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) with the Charity Commission under Charity Number 1182423
CIO - Association registered 12 March 2019
Charitable Objects;
The objects of the Club are to promote, improve, develop, and maintain public education and an appreciation of the arts in all their aspects by the presentation of public performances, concerts, recitals and exhibitions and by such other ways as the Society, through its committee shall determine from time to time.
Members can read the full constitution document in the 'Members Area'

St Ives Arts Club is a Member based Charity, Membership is open to all who wish to support the achievement of its objectives.
Its objectives are
1. To Preserve and Maintain the building on Wescott’s Quay St Ives as a venue for Performance and display of the Fine and Applied Arts.
2. To promote, develop and maintain public education and an appreciation of the arts in all their aspects by the presentation of public performance, concerts, recitals, workshops and exhibitions.