join the club

Since the formation of the St Ives Arts Club in 1890, our members have come from a variety of the Arts – a tradition which continues today.
Current membership includes:
Visual Artists
Others with an interest in The Arts
To join us please see below
Membership of St Ives Arts Club runs from 1st October to 30th September.
Full annual subscription is due for members joining between
1st October and 31st March
Members joining after 1st April pay a partial subscription to cover the remainder of the first year - i.e. from the joining date to 30th September.
Membership Full year £40
Membership Partial Year £30
Renewals are due on 1st October
Member Application Click Here
If you prefer to complete paper forms then please download them here.
You can download an application form using the links below.
Membership - single application
Please then return your completed forms to the club office.
If you have any queries please get in touch:
You can also download a
standing order - but please return
this directly to your own bank
Please use the following information to set up a standing order.
Name of Account : St Ives (Cornwall) Arts Club Society
Type of Account : Business
Account Number: 65679062
Sort Code : 09 01 28