Events Archive 2020

After the lockdown - the club tentatively reopened with a members exhibition in the Agnes Naylor Room.
Blue Mist Gallery from just up the Warren did a fantastic job in supporting the members exhibition, moving their stock into the exhibition room and manning the opening hours.
Many thanks went to Wendy & Steve Litherland for the idea - and hard work

Exhibition and sale of Members work
In conjunction with Blue Mist Gallery
The club closed down due to coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown in March 2020, and did not reopen until August 2020.
The strangest of times for the club, but very much worse for those affected by the virus. Stay safe everyone.

Exhibition - Sea Jewels
Paintings, metalwork and jewellery inspired by Cornish beaches - by Sharon McSwiney.
Saturday 15th - Friday 21st February 2020
10.30 am - 4.30 pm daily.